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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Video of the Week - Elements

Every once in a while you happen to stumble across something that evokes an emotion deep with in.  I was doing a bit of research on fire in Formula One and I stumbled upon an amazing video.  With the 2010 Formula One season at an end, there were so many memories within the season on the different elements that came into play during each race.  This video exhibits the raw emotions and talent it takes to be a Formula One Driver.  You may want to watch it a few times.  Trust me.


For fans, the winter break can seem long and strenuous, to bring back the memories and the hopes of the upcoming season, I will be featuring a video and a picture of the week.  Let me know what you think about this idea.  Should it stick till the 2011 Formula One Season starts?

- Samantha


  1. Wow, this video was just amazing, so full of emotions.

    But I really like the idea of posting a video and a picture of the week. Will help to reduce the painful withdrawals a little bit, lol. Looking forward!

    Oh, and I just have to say that your blog is just amazing!

  2. Good idea to do a video/pic of the week :)
