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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spending Too Much Over The Holiday Season? Red Bull Racing May Have As Well.

With the holiday season officially coming to an end and everyone is heading back to work, we wait now for the bills to come in.  During the time shopping, many people will go in with a budget but walk out with it blown.  You never know what you have spent until all the bills come in and it hits you. 

Don't feel alone this holiday season as it can happen to the best as well.....

Teams adopted the Resource Restriction Agreement (RRA) in late 2009 following the collapse of Mosley's controversial budget cap plan and the threat of a breakaway series. Teams had hoped the RRA would help them to return expenditure to the levels that prevailed in the early 1990s.
However, Mosley claims the RRA is a "sham" and insists a budget cap is the way forward if the sport wants to increase the number of competitive teams.
In an interview with Germany's Auto Motor und Sport, he also revealed that double Champions Red Bull may have spent too much.
"At the last FOTA meeting on Thursday, Red Bull asked for amnesty for the non-compliance of the cost reduction plan," he said.
"If these reports are true, that can only mean one thing: Red Bull spent more than they are allowed to and now they are asking other teams to give them the okay. It will be interesting to see how their opponents react."

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