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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Above The Law: Formula One Drivers?

After news of Fisichella involved in a crash in Italy, it comes to question. Do Formula One drivers think that they are above the law or should they be brought down to earth and be prime examples of good driver's around the world?

Do we need our youth to go to a Grand Prix race weekend and then leave thinking that they can pursue a career in the sport themselves and end up in a terrifying accident all because their favourite driver had done it and not been punished?

I understand that the FIA has set forth a new regulation known as Ambassadors Of The Sport, where if a F1 driver is found guilty of breaking the law, they will lose their super licence, "...that if an International Super Licence holder is involved in a serious road traffic offence recognised by a national police authority, the FIA, depending on the severity of the case, may issue a warning or refer the matter to the International Disciplinary Tribunal, which may temporarily or indefinitely withdraw the competitor’s International Super Licence.”  Full breakdown here of the new regulation.

What I would like to ask is while city had the guts to stand up to these men and punish them.

Most recently, the story goes that Fisichella reportedly told the traffic police - the Polstrada - that he came across a long queue of traffic caused by road works and was not able to stop in time.

I recently had a friend that drove a car, without a licence due tot he fact that his two year old was in the back seat, barely breathing and having a severe allergic reaction.  He was arrested and charged with driving without a licence. Why was he arrested and charged while these other men can give any excuse and not even get a slap on the wrist?

At least after the Friday Practice in Melbourne 2010, when Lewis Hamilton was caught outside the track doing 'burnouts' and 'fishtails'  the local authority stepped up to the plate and impounded his car.  Sure they impounded his car and released that they would summon him to court and yet after searching, the only thing to be found by myself is, "None of these court times or dates have been set as yet."

Am I missing something or are my research skills lacking?  You hear about celebrities driving with children on the laps, even driving while intoxicated, which in Canada is a federal offense and the now government is trying to pass a law stating that it is attempted manslaughter, and they are sent to rehab.

I just hope that the youngest generation of Formula One fans have true icons to look up to, someone that the world over would consider a racing idol on and off the track. 

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