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Monday, April 11, 2011

Speed (Trap) Dating ... The Build Up

Just as drivers are constantly asked which team they would fancy a seat with or who was their idol growing up, fans are also asked many of the same questions. The one that is constantly repeated by all surveys is, 'past or present, which driver would you love to have a sit down and conversation with?'

That same question was asked again this Monday by @F1Chat during #F1Chat (their weekly Twitter Talk). What gets me every time about that question is that there are so many drivers from so many era's of racing that it is truly difficult to chose just one. That is when a fellow blogger on Twitter interjected,  

"Aw man...choices! Can't it be like speed dating, a load of 5 min one-on-ones? I know, I always want more...I'll make a choice" - @RookieF1  

And with one simple comment, an idea was born! 

And so... We welcome you to the first annual Formula One Speed (Trap) Date Night! This is the evening where you have the chance to meet any driver, past or present, but beware! You only have a limited time with each so you must think about what you want to ask as at the end of the evening, you can only chose to have a full conversation with one! 

I can see the setting already .... Lights dimmed with bulbs flickering, prepared to burn out. Dusty old tables covered with mis-matched table cloths .... A really poor set up in all. You walk towards the table with the driver of your next 'speed trap date' to see them nervously fiddling with the poorly designed fake flower you approach. Once they do notice you, stand up abruptly to shake your hand in welcome.

As you take a seat across the tiny table from them with your notebook in hand, you can see the nervousness rising in their eyes as the try to hold eye contact with you. Just another ploy to try and win your affection so you chose them for your 'one on one'.

Even in a situation like this, there are over 1000 drivers to pick from for your speed dates. 

I know who I would chose, do you?

Yes this is all a fantasy.... but would it not make sense? Should the fans not decide who is worthy to make headlines? As it is the fans that read what we write and buy all the merchandise the teams and tracks sell.

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