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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Adrian Newey: Master Of A 2B Pencil

Some say that he has an intellectually prowess comparable to no other.  Some say that he holds the key to a F1 teams success. I say he in one man, a man that holds one of the four cornerstones to the Red Bull Racing Formula One Team's puzzle.

Even though Newey was hired with the pretext that he was a risk taker and that not all of his gambles worked out.  Ever single chance taken with Red Bull has proved necessary for the team's road to success and and win in the 2010 season.  Never before have there been such ambition within a team,  with the ingenuity masterminds holding it all together.

With the Red Bull Team being considered the 'playboys' of Formula One racing, they are also the masters of the circuit here in 2010.  Never ceasing to amaze or ignite the fire and ambition amongst the other teams.  And all it took was one man.  One man at a sketch board with a 2B pencil and an idea to start the process.  With the 2010 Constructor's Title tucked under their belts, let's see how many more are to come.  The foundations were well planned and well laid.  I am sure that this is only the beginning of a power house team.

Adrian Newey,
It must be an amazing feeling to see one of your designs come to life.  To be driven by two of the best drivers in the paddock to date. Taken care of by the best crew available and lead by a man with an unwavering compromise to remain genuine and honest.

It's that first performance.
When this creation is no longer under your control.
And now belongs to them.
A moment far to dense to be captured in memory.
You black out.

What started as a seed, a spark,
Has taken hold.

It multiplies, spread, kicks and screams.
This creature live.

The obstacles, the trial, the uncertainties are laid waste.
Now but record of triumph, testimony of victory

This is go time.

Samantha - a proud RBR supporter.

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