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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Alonso - Massa Separation

The most prized item within the Formula One Driver's society would easily be the World Driver's Title. Some drivers will go above and beyond what anyone would expect of them.  But there is another item that is in high consideration in the paddock.  The constructors title.  So when the headlines struck, "Alonso says gap to Massa makes him happy", it can make one upset.

I understand that drivers an get tunnel vision when trying to obtain a goal but no matter how much teams, drivers and some fans make argue, Formula One is a team sport.  If it was not meant to be one, there would not be two cars and two drivers to a team.  Sometimes the driver's seem to need reminding of that.

Alonso may be proud of what he achieved over his teammate in the 2010 season but Felipe Massa has done us all proud by just getting back behind the wheel of the F10 after what he had experienced at the Hungaroring in 2009.  

Yes the season ended with Fernando Alonso in second place with 252 individual points with his teammate Felipe Mass trailing by a large 108 points finishing with 144, but for a man that nearly ended the 16 year safety record in Formula One, 144 points in an outstanding performance!

So when the paddock was all a wash in controversy and slander about the Red Bull Racing team's stance on not setting out team orders, they where possibly being a little coy. with the team. What better way to win the Constructor's Title than to race your drivers against one another for the their title?  That almost automatically generates any team the coveted Constructor's Title.  

So when people are agreeing that what Alonso did with a 108 point lead on his teammate was amazing, so do I, congratulations on the spectacle, but that is one way to lose your team it's grand prize. Sorry.

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