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Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Found Respect

The 2010 Formula One season gave the fans one for the history book.  We saw fabulous poles, extreme crashes and drivers collide.  the season also gave the fans a few new champions.

Sure, they may have been in the sport for a few years, some longer than others, but never before have we seen such results from what some people would consider the 'B Team'. Other's knew that they were there all along but just out of view.

Immediately who comes to mind is not any driver in particular but a team, as a whole. Force India. I have one question for you?  Just where the h*ll have they come from?   It was just a few years ago that anytime during the race that anything went wrong, we all knew that it was either involving a Force India or caused by a Force India.
Now looking at the team, I can see a reminiscence of where the current world champions were about three years ago.  If Force India keeps at the pace they are, we will see them as a true contender for the world constructor's title very shortly.

He has always been there.  Just out of view.  A pillar within the paddock and during the 2010 Formula One season, he has just nearly reached his prime.  Mark Webber, Formula One driver, persisting against enormous odds to reach the top and then courage and lack of ego in a dangerous and egotistical circus. Many people think that without his late injury he would have become the 2010 Driver's World Champion.  I am always surprised at what Mark Webber has in store for us but the 2010 season has given him a whole new respect amongst his fellow drivers and fans alike.
I think that he is saving the title for when the odds are stacked even further against him. Amongst controversies and paparazzi, Mark Webber has no longer taken a back seat, but now has an enormous following and loved around the world.

Amazingly enough, a driver that I assumed that I could never come to respect, I find myself getting charmed by his new approach.  Jenson Button.  All it took was one race and about 10 seconds on air.  Abu Dhabi.  The final race of the season, Everything was dead quiet as the RBR team were holding their breath to see if their driver would get the coveted title.  
The race was over and the victory lap under way.  Media coverage panned in to Parc Ferme and what filled the screen surprised me.  There was Jenson Button, sitting in his McLaren.  Not attempting to get out until the title winner pulled into Parc Ferme and jumped out of his car.  Then we see Button exit the cockpit and immediately congratulate the new title holder.  
Being the 2009 title holder, I assumed that there would be some resentment or animosity but I was pleasantly proven wrong.  He has matured years in just months and now drives for himself yet is still aware that he is part of a team.  A driver that has come into his own but still holds onto the joviality that gained him his fan base.

I could go on here and explain how each team and driver individually were able to prove themselves and validate why they are part of this elusive lifestyle and sport but that is not the point.  I always know that Mark Webber had it in him to prove why he is in this line of work.  I was aware that Force India would soon demonstrate their teams ability but it is my new found respect for Jenson Button that is the biggest surprise.    

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