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Sunday, January 16, 2011

2010 Season Review In Pictures. Part Seven, The Grand Finale

Everything had come down to one final race.  Abu Dhabi.  Four men in an all out brawl to gain the infamous title.  That Sunday was not about racing but about numbers.  Instead of talking about what was happing on track., people were calculating the final total.  Each lap, each pass, it was flashed across the screen and heard through the commentators.  The race it's self was not such an exciting experience to watch but there was no way that any fan of Formula One would have missed it.

Thursday press conference and four title contenders had a false smile on their faces.  Each one knew exactly where they had to cross the finish line. Everyone could remember 2009 and the catastrophe in the last few corners.

 It must have been the tension in the air as with in sight of the start, the first collision.

"That would have been one scary view from the visor of his crash helmet. That was a lucky escape for Michael Schumacher." 

The laps rolled by and it wasn't just the four men out to prove themselves, 

"Kobayashi is brilliant isn't he? It's like he gets to the normal braking point and goes: 'Now, which was the braking point again?' And then just sails past."

Then it happens, "I'm losing the rear tyres..." and Red Bull pulls Webber into the pits on lap 11. Being released into the worst possible traffic.

Ferrari responded by pulling Alonso in as well, lap 15. Two laps later.... we all know what happened.

"Frustration is creeping in for the super-calm Spaniard Alonso," 

38 laps. First year rookie Vitaly Petrov had no issue keeping Alonso behind him for 38 laps.

Even with team support, Alonso could not get past the rookie.  "Use the best of your talent, we know how big it is, use it."

With Alonso and Webber behind traffic, all eyes turned to the race lead.  Vettel crosses the finish line in first and all of Red Bull holds their breath.  Waiting for Alonso to cross the finish line.
As Petrov crosses the finish line, a whisper into Vettel's radio, "You've won!"  

It took nearly a full lap before it sunk in, Sebastian Vettel had not only won the race, but the World Driver's Title. Giving Red Bull claim to both titles in the 2010 season.

Congratulations Sebastian Vettel. The youngest world champion. The emotions come to the surface on the in-lap and Vettel begins to cry when Horner tells him what he has achieved.

It seemed to look like Vettel was in denial until he herd Deutschlandlied.....

Congratulations Sebastian Vettel and Red Bull Racing!

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